
Chains By Laurie Halse Anderson: An Analysis

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In the novel, Chains, slave’s life was was very different depending on where they lived or worked. The life of a slave that worked in plantations was very different from one whom worked in the city or on small farms. For example, if the slave worked on a small farm, then they would have to put in a lot of work in the heat as opposed to working in the city. But, all slaves were still treated badly. In the book, Chains, by Laurie Halse Anderson, it states that Slaves who worked in the city had the highest quality of life compared to the other slaves because they had to do less physical labor than the other slaves.

First of all, the slaves who had to work on plantations did not have the “best” quality of life for a slave, they had to perform hard labor and stand abuse from their owners. “He grabbed my arm and pulled me …show more content…

Robert snarled at me. Apologies sir,” I said wincing with pain” (Isabella 6-7). This goes on to show that slaves that worked on plantations were abused physically by their owners. Slaves that worked on plantations also had to work long hours of labor and had low qualities for living, which doesn’t make the matter any better. Second, slaves who worked in the city had the “best” or highest quality of life out of all three types of slaves because they didn’t have the same amount of hard labor as slavery in the farms and plantations, but they still got abused by their owners. “Why was allowed to hit me or to treat Ruth like a toy” (Isabella 51). Slavery in the city was very unfair. Nevertheless, that was how it was with all types of slavery and that didn’t change. “Two, three years there another girl here, slave like you, slave like you. She talked back. Madam called her surly and took to beating her regular-like. One day she beat her with a fireplace poker” (Becky

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