Challenges In The 1960s

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It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens… who formed the union” . These words were spoken by Susan B Anthony. The reason behind this quote is it was everyone, not only the white males who formed the union. This is fitting to the topic because white males were one of the main reasons there were so many challenges in the 1960’s. Modern day is also filled with many terrible challenges. Many may say modern day is more difficult because they have newer challenges, more so then the 1960s. Many of the 1960s time period challenges included racism, women's lack of rights, and it was a time of revolution. One of the major challenges in the 1960s was racial discrimination. In the text it states “There were 50 racially motivated bombings since world war 2. Television brought the reality of Jim Crow south into people's homes as images of bull connors dogs and water cannons being turned on peaceful marchers, many of them children'' (Crashcourse). This demonstrates how many people fought for African American rights. Instead of accepting one another as human beings, white people would go to great lengths to harm African Americans simply because of the color of their skin. There …show more content…

In the source it states, “In the early 1960’s women were discriminated against in the workplace until the civil rights movement barred it. Women were excluded from educational programs, school activities, and everything else that was federally funded” (Falcon 18). This information indicates that many women in their 60s did not have the same opportunities as they enjoy now. Women desired the same rights and liberties as white men. Women wanted more fairness for themselves and future generations. Women in the 1960s were expected to work in the kitchen and stay at home to clean. Regardless of the major change between now and then, it was normal. Many women thought this was unfair and wished they were much

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