Challenges People Face Key Challenges

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There are many difficult challenges we as humans face on a daily basis. Yet some of those challenges can be more difficult as time progress and we grow older. Some challenges that I have been facing are getting ready to do an audition at Bowling Green State University for the band in which we also have to take a music theory exam before we audition in front of the many band directors. This faces many small challenges as well as, playing college level music, not practicing as often as we would like, and having to understand music theory. College level music is an entire thing on its own compared to high school music. In high school, the ensemble is composed of more or less than one hundred students and you get more time to rehearse each day as a section in the group. In college the ensemble can be more than two hundred members, meaning everyone will have to practice their parts during rehearsal and outside of rehearsal each day. College music is also an entirely new page compared to high school when they add multiple pages of music to one song. The directors also expect you to be able to sight read any piece you have on the spot for them. In high school the band directors will try to get you to practice on your own time, but they understand that you are working or are getting loaded up …show more content…

Most of these challenges will be a cause of the reason if I do or do not succeed in this life event coming up. Even though I will have to go through the times changing from high school to college level music, go through practicing outside of my time limits and get ready for a music theory exam, these are everyday challenges. Without going through these I would not be the musician I am today and will be a few months from now. Nevertheless, without these skills sets the student will not get into their college of choice and be in the band at the same