Changes During The Industrial Revolution

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Throughout history,F humans have advanced and evolved during the different stages of society. Resources have been discovered that have changed the outcome of life as we know it today. During the course of history, people have changed the manufacturing process dramatically. Instead of items being produced by hand, the owners of the facilities created ways to have machines produce the items. This change in production, now known as the Industrial Revolution, began in England in the 18th century and ultimately stretched to neighboring countries such as France and Germany, and by the late 18th century came across the sea to the United States. The impact of this had great changes to the way factories did their work. Previously to this, man- made items were most popular which took more time and manpower to complete but during the Industrial Revolution things like textile manufacturing, mining, glass and agriculture grew to an easier way of being complete. Those changes that were undergone made it faster and more efficient for those industries. It reached far and wide and soon people were doing this almost around the world at that time. One example prior to the Industrial Revolution textiles was primarily made of wool and was hand spun. But, with the invention of the spinning wheel and the loom, …show more content…

Moving from place to place it allowed people to complete their task much easily. Machines replaced the length of time it took for the workers to finish their task. However, as more items were being produced the need for supply and demand went up as well. Now that machines replaced the length of time people needed to work the work hours for men, women and children increased because of the material shortage. These demands upon the workers led to a law passed to protect them such as The 1833 Factory Act which set guidelines and how long they could work and set working restriction upon