Changes During Westward Expansion

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The economy is the collection of resources and money. Also all across the world, all countries that trade and use some sort of money. The economy includes tariffs, banking, trusts, railroads and all about the new transportation, and acts that expand the power of the federal government. Some issues with the economy that affected all people were railroad corruption, banking expansion, working conditions, trusts, and most of all, the corruption within the government. The changing economy positively impacted the common people. The common people were trying their hardest to fix their lives with a changing economy, and it worked out for the best. Westward Expansion was how the Americans were trying to move Westward, but they wanted the Native Americans …show more content…

This was when the Americans were trying to industrialize the West. Railroads were already built from the East to the West; these were made during Westward Expansion. The factories were growing and they produced better products. Also, the prices dropped for a lot of products because the supply was very high due to increase in speeds of production. Farmers were heavily affected by this change. If the farmers needed to transport their goods to the East, then it would be cheaper and easier to do so. Since the West made so many crops from having rich soil, and a lot of land, there were low demands in the East. This was better for the people in the East because they did not have to pay as much for their food. These economic changes were the best change for the common people. The common people could be more efficient making their crops, or products, and grow economically. The railroads were also being regulated by the government so the people did not have to pay as much. The federal government made the prices reasonable to afford and it was easier to make a living in the West (Interstate Commerce …show more content…

There were new markets being created during this time period, also the immigrants could fill jobs that were not filled before. Also, some of them could become farmers, which would help the common people pay for their foods. The supply would rise, so the demand would sink causing the prices to go down with the demand. More markets would also rise up due to immigration. Immigrants have access to create their own companies and try and expand quickly so they can show the United States their products from other countries. Immigrants could also partner with other companies to create equal peace throughout the country. It will make the company look good for doing so and the company could sell more. This economic change was good for the common people because they were able to expand their wealth and economic choices. They were able to figure out new ways to make money due to these immigrants. Some common people did not live clean, wealthy lives, but Jacob Riis and other muckrakers helped them get back on their feet by stepping up and showing how the poor lived (Mattern, Immigrant Problems). Most immigrants were able to live happier lives, and become wealthy with this help from the muckrakers (Immigrant Documents A-I DOC F). The common people were heavily affected by this movement. The Progressive Era was a huge common impact on the common people. Wilson wanted to help out the common people and help them improve their