
Expansion During The Era Of Manifest Destiny

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Throughout history there have been many wars, most of which, in some way or another, have had to do with expansion and the gain of land or territory. During the era of Manifest Destiny there were many reasons for expansion such as; better agricultural resources and other events that erupted exploitation and manipulation of the Indians and indigenous people. These show how the Manifest Destiny era expansions were similar to many other expansions before and after this era, however, the biggest difference is how, before, they would purchase land or legally obtain it, when after, the United States would go to war over land rather than legally buy it. Before Manifest Destiny, during colonial days, Britain established the Proclamation of 1763, …show more content…

Later in history, during the Manifest Destiny Era, a reason for expansion was better agricultural resources because having an ample amount of land would benefit the U.S. in many ways from the new nutrient rich soil. This new soil and land would also stimulate slavery because of the new natural resources this would create would also improve the economy and the half of the economy based on industry. This caused new products to be created and produced, from the new natural resources grown and taken from surrounding land. This is similar to the expansion past the Appalachian mountains, into the south. The prices of tobacco were dropping and slavery was starting to slowly die out because of the low prices. After expanding into the south, the new climate it had made it possible for the prosperous growth of cotton, making the demand for slaves sky rocket. As the northern states started into industrialization causing a higher demand in resources, such as cotton, the south continued in their agrarian society of farms running on slave …show more content…

Before being belittled and degraded completely, they would be kept around until they were proven to be no more use to the settlers in their native land. During Manifest Destiny, the Lakota Sioux were very well-known for their selling and trading of buffalo hides to the American Fur Company and Missouri Fur Company. The United States used the buffalo to control them by killing them off when needed. Also, after the migration west from the Gold Rush of 1849, settlers would harass and murder Mexicans and Indians for their land. Before Manifest Destiny, the Cherokee challenged the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to the Supreme Court. Despite their low success rate the Cherokee won the case and were allowed to stay on their land. Then, however, the Treaty of New Echota with minor fraction of Cherokee people, forcing the entire tribe to go on the “Trail of Tears”. This granted the United States of America the land previously held by the Cherokee

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