
Changes In Sexual Attitudes Regarding The Gift Of Sex

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Attitude change regarding the gift of sex The change in sexual attitudes towards sex in the “communal ethos” has shifted greatly over the last sixty years. The evolution of sex and breakthroughs with sexual activity is “hailed as moral progress”, but in reality, this progress is a gradual demise of their moral standards, and “isn’t always as friendly and inconsequential as you think!” This change in the sexual culture only solidifies the fact that as culture progresses, narcissism increases. Over time, society gives in a little more to their own desires and needs, without conviction of the proper morals and ethics that should be followed. Historically, sex has only been intended for a marriage relationship, but along the way, this ideology …show more content…

It was treated as sacred, not to be discussed, and no one suspected sex was happening until a child was born. Clearly sex was intended for more than procreation, or it would not be referred to as a gift. This is the beginning of the problem. This misinterpretation is what leads to slow slips of moral standards and stretching of the truth means something different to different people. Sex has always been for procreation as well as for pleasure, within the confined limits of a marriage relationship. Society at one time was split on this decision, either one was a devout Christian, never mentioning sex, only doing the act for procreation, or those who did not live by these moral standards chose to have sex outside of marriage for enjoyment. Somewhere down the line, a brilliant person stood up for what sex in a marriage was supposed to be: God’s gift to those who form a covenant union with one another as a form of pleasure as well as …show more content…

The attitude of the people is what has changed. The attitude is one of pleasure seeking, using sex as a means of pleasure only without procreation. The majority of people realized this was against moral standards, for “nobody claimed this was right.” Sex without commitment is very risky, it is like taking a gift at a white elephant gift exchange where many people may have the gift before the game is over, and heartbreak may occur as a result for getting a gift that is not new, but re-gifted several times over. No one should enter into a relationship like that, which is precisely why it is intended for marriage only. Giving of one self is extremely intimate and joins two as one, it is hard to think of one’s spouse being intimate with others and not holding a sacred opinion of sex or their future spouse. This mostly affects the young, who are not eager to get married yet, but at the same time want to indulge in the pleasure of sex. Sadly, the thinking of this current generation is so accepting of immoral behavior, that they truly do not see the harm in it. Their moral compass is comparing themselves to what everyone else is doing and what they consider acceptable, instead of following the true moral

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