Psy/311 Week 1 Reflection

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This week we learned about how to keep respect for ourselves and for each other. We learned that chastity is respecting sex as a gift for your spouse. The speaker shared with us her own life story and we learned that she was a teen parent herself and that she had gone through some rough times. She shared with us that she was a teen mom and that before she engaged in sexual behavior, she was an honors student and she was focused on what was important but then after engaging in sexual behavior, she saw her grades drop drastically and she started to not care about the important things in life anymore. The speaker heard two messages and one even coming from her own mother saying, “when you’re ready to have sex let me know” and this made her think …show more content…

I had already set the standard of waiting for myself but hopefully others that have already been participating in sexual behaviors or anything of the sort, somehow changed their minds about their actions. I really enjoyed the speaker and I feel as if I learned a lot from her. The speaker was very outgoing and I think that helped a lot for the other kids to open up and actually take everything she was saying into consideration. I believe that sex IS beautiful and everyone should wait till that one day when you finally are married to someone you trust and know. I think this week had a very big toll on people’s lives and that it really sent in a warning to some people about how bad being involved in sexual behavior can be. I think this has helped me actually realize the consequences and allow myself to feel even strong about relationships with others then I did before this week. I just want to say thank you for allowing her to come to talk to us because I know not just myself but the others really enjoyed it and I think she really opened up certain people’s minds about relationships with