Changes Of Household Expenditures Between 1950 And 2010

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Lot of thing have changed in past sixty years. What we can see clearly is spending money. From 1950 to 2010, people have changed their spending in expenditures category. The most change of household expenditures in 1950 and 2010 are housing and food. In the 1950, people spent money for housing more because house price was cheap at that time but in 2010 people spent less for housing because house price went up. It reduced from 72.1% to 22.0%. In the 1950, government reduced property tax so it encouraged people to buy house while economy grow in 2010, it made house price high so not much people could afford. The other change was food. People spent less for food in 1950 because there were not much food options at that time but in 2010, people