Chapter 9 Of The Origin Of Totalitarianism

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Recently, there were discussions with President Trump’s decision on cracking down which illegal immigrant is currently living in the US. And that if they have a criminal record, they will then be deport them back to where they come from. But what most would not think of the different outcomes that would intake. Through these philosophers Hannah Arendt, Mill Stuart, and Hobbes beliefs, we are able to see the connections to this current political issue. As Hannah Arendt explain in chapter 9 of The Origin of Totalitarianism, on the idea of where did totalitarian regime all started from, “ Nothing perhaps illustrates the general disintegration of political life better than this vague, pervasive hatred of everybody and everything, without a focus …show more content…

Your own individuality will always remain the most important opinion out there. Most people are usually under peer pressure and felt that in order to fit in or be included in society, they would need to hide their true self. And submit themselves to those who are stronger and have a higher role than yourself. A great example of this situation would be a group of friends, as how there is always that one person leading the whole group. If one does not listen to their commands, they will easily be shunned or bullied. Which shows the struggles of people to always find their place in society. Showing quite some similarity to the illegal immigrants, they would have to do what they can to fit into the new society. Most would be attacked by their nationality because they would not belong here. They would not know where to go to once they have been kicked out of where they are. With President Trump making decisions like this, the immigrants would not know what to they do. All day long, they would just have to terrified of getting removed from their peaceful home. Instead of having these recurring situations, everybody should agree with Mill’s belief because individuality is important and needed for any occasion. Everybody should learn to accept each other no matter how they behavior or think. Nobody is able to have the same mind as the person next to them, so of course it is obvious for everybody to have different thoughts and