Chapter 9 Section Review Questions

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On Monday the students started a new chapter (Chapter 9: Understanding Drugs and Medicine) and they went over three sections: Drugs, Drugs as Medicine, and Drugs and the Brain. Mr. Cook had directions written on the board for the students to read as they walked in the classroom. The students had to read through each section then they had to complete the section review questions and turn them in when they are done. Being that it is Monday, the students also had to turn in their current event as well. While the students are working on their section review questions Mr. Cook showed me the test for chapter 9 that the students will have to take on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Cook had used various worksheets to create a packet that he found on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources that he would use as a test for the students. Mr. Cook said that he would be absent on Thursday and Friday so this packet will help the students to review the material they learned while it would help to boost their grades. Mr. Cook mentioned to me …show more content…

After the students finished up their work Mr. Cook lectured to the students on sections 1 and 2. He went over how drugs enter the body and the effects drugs can have on the body. During the lecture, the students had to participate in the discussion that they were having and the students would receive a participation grade for the day. During the lecture, Mr. Cook told a personal story of his uncle and how he was a functioning alcoholic. His uncle would have coffee with his whiskey and prescription medicine every morning. Mr. Cook mentioned that his uncle was a carpenter and how he was supposed to have steady hands. To bring the lesson home to the students, Mr. Cook let them know that his uncle is dead and that he basically drunk and medicated himself to death. So, his uncle had to have alcohol and his prescription medication in order for him to