Chapter Summary Of Chapter One By Jay Heinrichs

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In chapter 1 Jay Heinrichs, the author of the book, to uses examples from his family life to help introduce the central theme. He starts with an example of arguing with his son about toothpaste, Heinrichs’s argument with George reaches a clear resolution unlike some of the other examples given in the text. Heinrichs does this to show readers a way to argue while showing intelligence. Having established the importance of controversy and rhetoric in an everyday setting, Heinrichs states that rhetoric is an “unavoidable a part of life”. This is where he introduces the central idea of the book which is that rhetoric is necessary and unavoidable part of life he goes on to state that it’s as relevant within the twenty first century as it was in …show more content…

A skilled arguer like Heinrichs or Socrates is aware of a how to use rhetorical techniques to influence audiences to agree voluntarily. Heinrichs goes on to site research that shows that married couples, who fight, are less likely to stay together than those who argue. Heinrichs lists another example with that his readers relate to: getting a ticket a skilled arguer could also be ready to get out of by recognizing the main goal, not obtaining the ticket and resisting the temptation to argue with the officer. Heinrichs’ analysis of the traffic incident might apply to nearly any argument: persuaders should decide whether or not they should get involved in a debate to some extent. Sometimes the most effective strategy is to concede to some extent and stay centered on the goal of the argument. Heinrichs then states that Cicero is one among his rhetorical heroes, and a outstanding figure throughout the book. Like several of the samples of persuasion within the book, Heinrichs’s discussion of putting someone might sound belittling but it is an essential part of winning an argument. He states that doing this step before actually trying to convince them is a large part of how arguments are won and that people do this step involuntarily (like his daughter). the chapter goes on to discuss how making an audience act a certain way is the most difficult part and how it can be accomplished by making acting that way seem