
Character Analysis Anne Of Green Gables

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Anne is not an ordinary girl but as shown by her actions, a strong female role model. She shows confidence in her actions and does not hesitate or regret what she does. Anne from Anne of green gables by L.M Montgomery is represented as a strong female protagonist because of her stability, helpfulness, and immense focus on her education. Anne shows stability with her decisions when she confirms, "I must do it. My honor is at stake... I shall walk that ridge pole, Diana, or perish in the attempt" (182). She knows the dangers of climbing a roof, yet her bravery and confidence make her unstoppable. She isn't only climbing it to prove Josie Pie wrong (the girl who dared her) but to follow through with what she says because she is brave and believes in herself. All great leaders need to possess this quality of Anne's because making firm decisions is a task not many children can do. They change their mind constantly unlike Anne who is positive and confident in her choices. Because of her stability, Anne is able to make choices for herself and is mature enough to be trusted …show more content…

Anne has put immense hard work into her studies, but she doesn't boast about it. Her determination helped her win the Avery scholarship, and score the highest mark tied with Gilbert Blythe (her competition). This is no small feat for an orphan raised with poor education and a chance to go to school for only a few years. This means she must have worked hard and put in a significant amount of effort to be ahead of everyone else. Anne also showed many people like Mrs. Rachel and Marilla, who doubted her earlier, what she is capable of. In the end, they complimented Anne about how smart, steady, and reliable she had turned out to

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