American Horror Story: Lee Harris In the hit television show, American Horror Story, we will be discussing one of the main characters, Lee Harris. She had everything she wanted in her life; a perfect husband, daughter, and a high paying job as a police officer. Lee was even on track for a degree in criminal psychology, but a single day on the job changed her whole life. When arriving on call, she ended up taking a shot to her arm, causing tremendous pain and distress. This resulted in pain medication being taken while she was even on the job. She even admitted that she did not start taking pills because it was “a fault in her character,” but rather a necessity to ease the discomfort and pain showing how this plays into nature rather than …show more content…
By forgetting to pick up her daughter from school to lacking a show of affection in her marriage, Lee’s husband wanted a divorce. She was shocked, hurt, and admitted to being at her absolute rock bottom. On top of everything that was happening, the judge then awarded full custody of her daughter to her husband, which only allowed Lee to see her daughter once a week, which is 21% of her life. Her addiction to pain medication initiated one problem after another, which affected her education, marriage, and relationship with her …show more content…
Lee quickly goes through the “stages of change” model, which is used in the process of substance-abuse treatment. The first stage, precontemplation is where she begins to question if the substance abuse is really worth all the pain and suffering she is going through, but is not looking for any help. Her ex-husband and family are all concerned about Lee’s behavior, which is where she enters the contemplation stage of her treatment process. By then being motivated to start making a change in order to gain larger custody of her daughter, Lee starts to prepare for treatment. She then takes action, by cutting off her addiction to pain medication. As she furthers in her treatment entering the maintenance stage, we can see Lee become happier, by working on a healthier and happier life for her daughter and herself. It is not until later on in the season where Lee is put into scary and stressful situations, where she is tempted to relapse into mixing both prescription pain medication and