Character Analysis Of Flannery O 'Connor's Revelation'

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American Writer and essayist, Flannery O’Connor, in her short story, “Revelation,” published in 1964, addresses the topic of racial hierarchy and asserts that preconceived notions from religion contribute to the main character 's racist nature. Mrs. Turpin, her name coming from the word “turpitude” which means depravity or wickedness, is portrayed as a morally upright Christian woman. As the plot continues the audience realizes that the image Mrs.Turpin declares she portrays is quite the opposite. This narrative examines religion, racism and integrity. O’Connor supports her claim by discussing the moral behavior Mrs. Turpin believes Christians should exert, logical reasoning to exemplify why Mrs. Turpin’s character is racist, and emotional language to express how personal goodness is worth nothing if it is not purely for the love of God. The author’s overall purpose is to inform the readers to resist judging others based on their appearances, but rather make self reflections to better their own nature. O’Connor utilizes a candid tone in order to appeal to her audience 's sense of integrity. Due to O’Connor’s religious background as an avid Catholic, her religious references and themes are prevalent in many of her works. In this case, she discusses the moral character of a Christian woman and how the main character believes that her role as a religious woman makes her more pure and holy. Interesting Only, this is recognized when Mrs. Turpin blatantly exclaims that she