Character Analysis Of Rosemary In Karen Joy Fowler's We

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In Karen Joy Fowler’s We are all completely beside ourselves a young woman called Rosemary attempts to deal with her traumatic past and her forgotten self. She seemingly lives a normal life but as we learn about her past we realize she is only part of her former self and that she has cast away what made her special. During the book, Rosemary attempts to express herself through other people and things as she struggles to accept her past. During Rosemary's younger years she was a very talkative person who tried her best to have fun but since of some unfortunate events, she ended up losing that half of her personality. When rosemary was younger she used to talk a lot always want to have fun and play with her sister a chimp named Fern.Rosemary also had “classic chimp traits” …show more content…

Rosemary decides to become a kindergarten teacher at a school close to the chimp troop that has 6 chimps including Fern and Ferns daughter Hazel. Rosemary says it is “as close to living with a chimp troop as I've been able to get so far” showing that she actively wanted to be evolved with chimps now. Rosemary also is able to use the skills that she acquired because she with Fern like reading body language which is extremely useful with kindergartners and she also teaches them basic sign language that she had learned and she teaches a unit about “chimp etiquette”. Rosemary's class is able to visit the chimps and meet the chimps. Rosemary also now calls Fern and Hazel part of her family instead of trying to not mention them at all. Rosemary's mother also stopped ignoring the chimps and she started volunteering at the center. Despite Rosemary showing who she really is and finding a job that is perfect for her and her personality she still threw away so much and she had to spend so much time to fix her mistakes and become her true