Not An Ordinary Dream Movie Analysis

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Not an Ordinary Dream. Have you ever heard what a premonition is? It will be explained with a movie example, but what it really means is a strong feeling a person has that something is about to happen, usually unpleasant. Usually it happens to a person when he/she falls asleep and wakes up knowing if he/she is living a reality or if it is a dream. This does not happen to many people, but imagine one day not knowing if what you are living is a dream or not. This movie has a protagonist who is played by Sandra Bullock (Linda Hanson), who is the one that has the premonition, Julian McMahon (Jim Hanson), who is the husband, and Courtney Taylor Buress (Bridgette Hanson), who plays the role of the oldest daughter. What these characters have in common is that they live in the same house and …show more content…

Bridgette thinks Linda is really not taking care of them because at first Linda doesn’t want to wake up to leave her daughters to school, but he has to because Bridgette is always hurrying up Linda. One day it starts raining and Linda asks for help because she had to get in the clothes that were hanged out and Bridgette starts running all the way to a glass door. She got her face al cutted and that is the moment where Jim calls Joanne to help Linda. She thought her mother was obviously the best but what she saw during that time made her daught who was really her mother. My conclusion through these movie is that the story is really shocking I can’t even imagine my life being like that even a week. I think is more a Destiny’s thing. What I think is that it maybe it was a lesson for Linda to make her made good choices and then they gave her the opportunity to live again to have hope or faith in something again. I think that the image that shows Linda pregnant is a resurrection thing. Maybe what happened to Jim was his destiny. I think everything happens for one