Requiem for a Dream Requiem for a Dream was directed by Darren Aronofskey. The film portrays a family with many issues. The mother, Sara Goldfarb, suffers from a number of psychological issues that build up over time and land her in a psychotic state. Sara’s son, Harry Goldfarb, suffers from addiction to a number of drugs along with his friend Tyronee and his girlfriend Marion. All of this takes place in New York City where Sara, who is also a widowed woman, lives at home alone. Not only is Sara alone but she has trouble fitting in with her age group and has a need to be included and liked. Sara’s son Harry is on drugs, despite of that, she still does anything and everything for him. Harry’s addiction hinders him from being the son he …show more content…
Meanwhile, Harry and his friend Tyronee try to move up in the drug world by selling more than they use. Everything seems to be going great for Sara and Harry until their addictions take them over the edge. The mother Sara suffers from a number of psychological disorders. In the beginning, Sara started out as a normal person who loved television. She one day got a phone call to be a guest on one of her favorite infomercials. Obviously excited, she began to obsess over being on the show in her favorite red dress. She is obsessed with the red dress because it reminds her of good times when her husband was still alive and her son was not addicted to drugs. Unfortunately the dress does not fit anymore and she begins to develop another obsession with her weight; she is then prescribed diet pills from her doctor. Once Sara sees that the pills are working she begins to take more than prescribed to speed the process up. Soon Sara is addicted to the pills and begins to have hallucinations. The hallucinations begin to make her think her refrigerator is attacking her; because of this, she becomes anorexic because she is afraid of food. Her hallucinations even go as far as making her think that she is on the TV show portraying herself as the perfect woman with a perfect family like she has always dreamed of. She even brags about her son and his wife and how successful he