Character Analysis: The Friday Everything Changed

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Courage is shown in the world everywhere all the time. Anyone can show courage while going about their day without even knowing. It takes a lot to have courage as having it comes with risk and bravery. In “The Friday Everything Changed,” by Anne Hart, courage is shown a lot as well as the book “The Treasure of Lemon Brown,” by Walter Dean Myers. In “The Friday Everything Changed,” Alma shows courage by battling with the boys to claim her and the other girls' roles to carry the water bucket. Through paragraphs 28 and 29, Arnold is struggling to persuade Alma to stop trying to obtain the ability to get the water bucket. Alma tells Arnold it's better for her to keep going for her cause even though she knows how much of a risk Arnold is taking …show more content…

Greg shows courage by doing this because he gave away his position to protect him and Lemon Brown even though he knew what was going to happen if he made the sound. Greg still did it though because he will never falter in the face of fear. Greg was scared afterwards and called out to Lemon Brown to make sure he was alright and not hurt. Lemon Brown answers Yeah, its me. I got their flashlight”. Both of them were safe because of Gregs courageous actions. Another way courage is shown in this book is when Lemon Brown hurled himself at the crooks in paragraph 75. Lemon Brown didnt have to throw himself at the bad guys but he did because he was brave and didnt want anything bad to happen to him or Greg. Greg asks Lemon if he was alright and if he got hurt but Lemon answered, “ Few bumps and bruises.” He knew the danger he was putting himself in but he fought through it. One more way courage is shown is when Greg ran away from his father and went into Lemon Browns area of residency through paragraph 5 - 7. Greg knew the consequences of running away from his house but he did it anyway because he didnt want to be in trouble by his dad and have to go to his room and read books. He also showed courage going into an unknown building that he didnt know if anything was in it or if anyone was in