Character Analysis: When Calls The Heart

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Because of the diligence of fellow blogger and interviewer Francesca, I was made aware of another budding actor who joined the When Calls the Heart cast this season--Camden Filtness. She interviewed and featured him first, and then I decided to jump in and ask for an interview as well. Thankfully, Camden made some time, and he was quite forthcoming about his origins within the business, his early works, his Hallmark work, and even a look at what may be down the road for him.

RH: Why did you decide to become an actor? What kind of training have you had?.

CF: I decided to become an actor after stepping on stage for the first time in grade eleven. I was playing "Juliet" from Romeo and Juliet in a comedic retelling of the story. Basically, …show more content…

I LOVE motion capture! It 's an incredible way to bring virtually any character to life. I 've played soldiers, athletes, robots, monsters, and supernatural creatures. The biggest challenge as an actor when doing motion capture is using your imagination. When I was on When Calls the Heart, I had an amazing costume, was in an amazing set, and had dozens of people working together to bring the show to life. However, when I did motion capture for Beauty and the Beast and Power Rangers, it was only me in an empty stage. You have to imagine the sets, props, and other actors. It 's quite a challenging process, but …show more content…

It 's always nice to see young men in the business who are willing to invest the work necessary to achieve the desired outcome. All too often, young people who enter the business either expect overnight success and/or they become quite cocky due to their industry knowledge and experience they believe they already possess upon entrance into their field. Camden is yet another forward-looking actor who understands the concept of working your way up within this business and thoroughly relishing every opportunity along the way. The fact that he has a penchant and skill for motion capture has made him that much more marketable in this ever-changing entertainment landscape. Also to his credit are the mentors and friends with whom he has chosen to associate and from whom he gleans wisdom. Should there be a season five of When Calls the Heart, Camden 's character, Gordon Harvey, would be a perfect fit for Hope Valley as there are still far too many unattached females who would be honored to be courted by a young Mountie sporting that magnificent Red Serge. Furthermore, Camden would be an asset to any cast due to his work ethic, humility, and general enthusiasm for each segment of his role, no matter how miniscule or detailed. While Camden 's stint with When Calls the Heart may be over this season, be sure that you tune in to the remaining two episodes on April 16th and April 23rd on the Hallmark Channel so that we can ensure a season five and perchance the return