
Character Comparison Between 'Ponies And The Maze Runner'

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Nowadays people are influenced by the wrong people and aren't always with those who make them better. In ¨Ponies, ¨ by KIJ Johnson, the main character tries to be cool and liked by all of the other girls and it backfires by her trusting the wrong people and for her losing what she cares most about. Another example of this has been shown in The Maze Runner by how all the characters were perfectly fine with each other until the truth comes out about the person who they trust. Both texts show the theme of how when you trust someone they are actually the ones who are going to hurt you the most and are going to turn their backs on you by using dialogue, mood, and character development throughout the story to show the theme.

Both of the stories The Maze Runners and Ponies both have multiple authors' crafts to show the theme between each other and the …show more content…

The mood in this story changed the theme because it doesn't just show you actions it shows you how everyone feels and how they react to this event. The first way that they used mood in the story is in this quote¨¨Gally reached behind himself and pulled something long and shiny from his back pocket¨ explains the theme by showing how Gally who everyone trusted has no turned on them and killed one of the most important characters to the story and shows how the mood changes to a eary kind of feeling now.The Characters of Maze Runners turning on each other changes the theme because there main rule was all trust each other and that didnt work out it actually came back and haunted them in the later parts of the story.The last way mood showed the theme in the stroy is when they find out about Thomas working for the people who built the maze and for actually just lying to them for the whole time he was there.That is how in both of the stories the mood was used in multiple ways to show the theme of the

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