Characteristics Of A Positive School Culture

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A general aim of school is to meet the educational and developmental needs of each student. Phillips and Wagner (2003) declared that “positive learning can only take place in a positive culture. A healthy school culture will affect more student and teacher success than any other reform or school improvement effort currently being employed.” School culture was defined by Deal & Patterson (2002) as “the set of norms, values, and beliefs, rituals and ceremonies, symbols and stories that make up the ‘persona’ of the school.” A positive school culture is not created by happenstance but by deliberate acts of all the relevant stakeholders. Some characteristics that are considered to promote a positive school culture are: “an inspiring vision, high expectations, leadership, high levels of collaboration and communication, curriculum, instruction, and assessments aligned with state standards, frequent monitoring of learning and teaching, focused professional development, supportive learning environment, high levels of family and community involvement” (Shannon & Bylsma, 2007).
A positive school culture requires effective instructional and administrative leadership (Hallinger & Murphy, 1985). Effective leadership is a pivotal element in being able to advocate, nurture, and sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Leaders are not only the principals but can also be teachers and other stakeholders. Although