Module 3: Creating A Civilization

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3. Creating a Civilization a. What are the major characteristics that should be achieved before social organization qualify to be considered a civilization? Civilizations are mainly characterized by its separation from outside influences and powers. Before a civilization is to qualify as one, it should be able to stand on its own, without the help of other people outside that civilization. Another important characteristic is that it should have settlements in the area where people would be able to live without transferring to another place for the area has sufficient food for the people, which was made possible because of agriculture when people didn’t have to transfer from one place to the other after using up all the resources in the areas where they have been. …show more content…

But this ruling did not last for a very long time for the city-states continued to fight for dominance causing the rulers to change again and again. This caused the fall of the Sumerian civilization. The civilization became decentralized and people were more eager of gaining power than making the life in the civilization thrive which caused the fall of the civilization. The biggest factor would be the size of the Sumerian civilization since it caused a lot of things such as diversity and rivalry between different cities in the civilization. Power became the purpose of every city and their goal was to become the most powerful of them all. Another factor would be the emergence of another civilization which followed the Sumerian shortly after the civilization fall to the ground. Even other civilizations crumbled because they people wanted to be in power. They want to rule over the entire civilization and most of the civilizations want to conquer the world which have brought them to their downfall. The power they wanted, was the reason they seize to