The Seven Basic Characteristics Of A Civilization

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What are the seven basic characteristics of a civilization? Before I answering the previous question, I will address what a civilization actually is. A civilization is basically a progressed shape of human society. It has wide developed ranges of science, government, and industries. The seven basic steps to a civilization that I will be informing you on are; Urban focus’s, New political and military structures, A new social structure based on economic power, The development of more complexity in a material sense, A distinct religious structure, The development of writing, and New forms of significant artistic and intellectual activity. The Sumerian city states are depicted among the Urban focus’s. The cities centered around political, religious, economical, social, and cultural developments. As said in the History book, “ As the cities expanded, they came to exercise political and economical control.” They contained major social groups such as the elites, dependent commoners, free commoners, and slaves. The Sumerians believed in kingship and as said in chapter one of the history book, “They derived their power form the gods, and they were agents of the gods.” The gods ruled their city. Therefore, the city centered around political, religious, economical, social, and cultural developments. Sargon’s Empire is an example of new political and military structures. As said in the history books, “His power was based on his military, namely, his standing army of 5,000 men.”