Eight Features That Make Up A Civilization

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There are eight features that make up a civilization. They are: legal systems, religion, science and technology, political systems and leaders, war and expansion, trade and economics, society, and art and literature. Legal systems are a written or oral constitution authorized by a legislation, which is a person or a body of people, followed by a court to abide by traditional practices, principles, or practices of civilized law. It is also a social class of hierarchy. Usually, most countries run a monarchy, which is a system in the form of a triangle. The highest ranked people are the nobles and priests, next one is the warriors that defend the country, merchants who help manage the economy by trade, farmers, and poor people or slaves. Religion …show more content…

Monotheism is more likely a more accurate religion mainly because first of all, many people would agree that a religion should involve logic and reality rather than based off of tall tales. Science and technology is a major part of a civilization back then and even today. Science gathers statistics through observing something and experimenting it, while technology is a type of science that attempts to design products to make our human lives more easier. Science has played a key role because we have learned a lot about how organisms and other substances interact with the earth. Examples of sciences: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Examples of technology that has made our lives easier is the irrigation system, and architectural works such as canals and bridges. Political systems and leaders are types of governments systems ran by the leaders of the country. Most leaders back then and still today were viewed as religious or divine figures that many people under the rule of these people relied on to help keep them going on with their lives and renew their morals so they can live life in a mistake-free