Characteristics Of Dystopian Literature

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What is dystopian literature? Dystopian literature is a genre that has been characterized as fiction, it presents a negative view of the future of society and humankind (Chung, Terri. “Dystopia Literature Primer.” Dystopias: Definitions and Characteristics. No Date is specified.) The roots of the word dystopia—dys- and -topia—are from the Ancient Greek for “bad” and “place,” and so this term is used to describe a negative society. In a dystopian story, society is typically the antagonist; it is society that is actively working against the protagonist’s goals and desires. This is the reason why the protagonist is constantly trying to reunite the people in society. By reuniting society, the protagonist manages to take down those whom are trying to destroy it.

Many people are starting to enjoy the 21st century dystopian due to its rotten world, which is a problem faced by all the people, mainly because of the division into separate groups. In the past, dystopian literature based its focus mainly on adults but recently most of its readers are teens (Hall, Alexander Charles Oliver. “The critical dystopia in 21st century American culture.” University of Arkansas.2009, Proquest Document View. 2009). A couple of reasons for this genre’s popularity is that it is starting to be presented through movies, and that teenagers can truly relate to most of the conflicts (Polatis, Kandra. What the popularity of YA dystopian stories reveal about teens/ April 7,