
Characteristics Of Qualitative Research

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3.1. Research Design
The research uses descriptive qualitative approach. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1998, as cited in Annisa, 2015), qualitative research has six important features: the research conducts in natural setting, the key instrument of the research is the researchers themselves who involves with the respondent straightly, the research is in descriptive data, the outcome is the second important after process, main purpose of the research is meaning, and the research has a tendency to be inductive. This statement then supported by Cassel and Symon (1994, as cited in Kohlbacher, 2006) who declares the characteristics of qualitative approach,
“a focus on interpretation rather than quantification; an emphasis on subjectivity rather than objectivity; flexibility in the process of conducting research; an orientation towards process rather than outcome; a concern with context—regarding behaviour and situation as inextricably linked in forming experience; and finally, an explicit recognition of the impact of the research process on the research situation.”
Based on Miles and Humberman (1987) and Fraenkel and Norman (2006) elucidation, qualitative data is more to words-oriented than numbers. It is designed to give picture of condition or situation within words. With its plentiful description, qualitative data can preserve chronological flow and derive rich explanation. The statement is supported by Alwasilah (2002, as cited in Annisa, 2015), who states that descriptive
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