Characterization In Brave New World

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The author of the novel Brave New World utilizes the element of characterization to depict that the characters in the novel are an indication of real people’s personalities. Throughout the novel, the author Aldous Huxley uses the characterization of the dystopian society not only as a possibility of what could happen in the future, but a reflection of the actual present time which Huxley wrote the novel. The people in this novel are written as characters who need to satisfy their needs and gratify their impulses. An example of this would be the substance of “soma” which essentially sedates its user and allows them to feel an artificial happiness. The feeling of soma is described as, “[...] perfect and, if the morning after was disagreeable, …show more content…

economy is similar because they both share the common theme of stabilization. In the novel, society is trying to achieve stability by creating babies in controlled lab environments. While this is not the case in the real world, The United States is still trying to achieve stability in the economy after the Great Recession that occurred in 2009. The author Aldous Huxley creates a world where controlling its members though assigning ranks, providing passive entertainment, and giving people drugs are what’s keeping the World State stable. An example of this would be when The Director is guiding a tour and a voice comes over the loudspeaker and exclaims, “‘Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they’re so frightfully clever. I’m really awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki’” (Huxley 21). This is one of the first introductions the reader has to the caste system that has been set up for the people in the World State. The World State controls its people by developing the embryos in labs and determining during fertilization what caste they want the child to go in. This is a form of control because now society will have less intelligent and able people because if the government is who decides the …show more content…

Since 2009 when the Great Recession occurred, the economy of the U.S. has not been at its best point. The reason why the government and its people are trying to fix the economy is because it is beneficial to its people and, “In fact, compared to previous recoveries, it’s been terrible” (Bunker). The economy needs to be repaired since the 2009 recession is considered one of the biggest declines since the Great Depression and the recovery has been the slowest. Similar to Brave New World, Americans must take control of their problems and fix the issue at hand. One solution would be having Americans go back to work and creating products in America again. For the American economy, the only way to stabilize it again would be having America take control in order restore the prosperity it once