Characters In No Exit

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The three main characters in no exit are Garcin,Inez,Estelle. Garcin realized that Hell is other people.They are a perfectly suited to be each other torturers. This because the all committed a similar sin to be put in a room with each other. The The three characters then agree that the absence of a torturer means they themselves are meant to torture one another. Then they all agree to not interact with one another. The stayed on their own bed and keep quiet. The agreement is broken by Estelle asking for a glass to use as a mirror. Inez started a conversation with Estelle offering herself as a mirror meaning that she would do estelle makeup. Estelle wishes Garcin would notice her in the way Inez does she desire for a man's attention. The characters agree to break their attempt at silence. Garcin decides that is no reason for him to hide his wrongdoings. He confesses why he is in hell. It is because he treated his wife unfair. He would come home drunk night after night, "stinking of wine and women," and would throw insults at his wife. His wife would never offer up the slightest reproach. He even brought into their home "a half caste girl." "My wife slept upstairs," he adds. His wife must have heard everything. She was an early riser and, as I and the girl stayed in bed late, she served us our morning coffee." after Garcin said why he was in hell …show more content…

She had gone to live with her cousin and his wife Florence. Her love for Florence increased as time went by. Inez convinced florence to follow her.Then the two women left together, and got “a bed-sitting room at the other end of town,"and not much time later the husband was conveniently run over by a tram. Inez told Florance "I used to remind her every day: 'Yes we killed him between us.' I'm rather cruel, really." For a time she and Florence were in love. then something changed. One night she got up and turned on the gas while I was asleep. Then she crept back into bed. So now you