Charles Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

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Charles Darwin, a British naturalist originated the pro founding theory of Natural selection gave a revolutionary on biology and also on Philosophy, theology and history. His idea of natural selection created discontents among scientists and religious leaders during that period of time. The era of Christianity, supported by Enlightenment and the hope of better future by people. Simplifying a complex picture one can differentiate during the time of Darwin in the way of looking at world.
1. A world which is constant and rigid. A christian dogma that lost its credibility among the philosopher and scientist during 1850s.
2. A world that did not have any goal or direction which was regarded eternal and constant. A world where democritus and his …show more content…

Man evolving from primitive life forms was the idea that existed in various modes, which had a goal. Darwin striking feature of evolution was that it could take only with the natural selection process. For our view of science, Darwin’s transposition was seen as analogous by Kuhn. “Some one full, objective, true, account of nature and that the understanding of scientific achievement is the extend it brings us closer to that goal” This idea was questioned by Kuhn, and so he states”If we can learn to substitute evolution- from-what -we -know for evolution-towards-what-we-wish-to-know, a number of vexing problems may vanish in the process” It was Kuhn’s idea of when the puzzles could be solved within its paradigm with knowing the idea of normal science. There would be new anomalies with embracing of new paradigms while for Kuhn would not have any ways whether the last anomalies would be far away from the reality of the natural world from the new one. It was because nature could be accepted by scientist only through paradigms and there was no meta-paradigm that could arbitrate in between other. In brief, some did not seem the process of cumulative which many people believed it to be, and there did not exist any ways to know even if it existed. Thus Kuhn view of scientific revolution is adequate to explain Darwin revolution, when Kuhn describes the process of development which devotes process …show more content…

Scientific realism believe that measure of truth was discovered by science and which they claimed are true. As Darwin in his natural selection mentions of the adaptation in the environment in order to refer to different event and regularities which occurs at unobservable level, science tries to understand the theoretical discourse. Scientific realism mentions that the investigated world is independent of human thinking. Scientific realm is related with the knowledge of science.Then fundamentally epistomological rationale. The scientific realism believes that acquiring the genuine knowledge of the world requires scientific pursuit, thereby entailing epistemic realism. Human being are regarded as sentient, intelligent organisms. So as Darwin explain that human beings were created out by God or supernatural, like in scientific realism, it says world is not is created , invented or constructed by humans with this realist say that there is ability in human to acquire knowledge through objective reality. As realist says the humans owe embedded in the world they inhabit. Speaking of change from one position to another in a gradually from generation to generation in Darwin’s case , if possible change can take place through action that is created by human, according to realist. For example we construct,