Charles Manson Incarceration Research Paper

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In the United States, if the government wants a person incarcerated then they will be no matter the cost. We have seen several prisoners get incarcerated with no direct evidence against them. I believe when the media makes crimes known to the public and it frightens the community then the government has to incarcerate someone to make it seems as if they are doing their job. Especially, criminals who taunt the government and become famous to the public. Sometimes the government is not able to charge criminals for the actual charge they want to but they will charge them for a less serious crime and give a harsher punishment. For example, Al Capone. The government could not charge him for operating a crime organization so they charged him with tax evasion and gave him a harsh punishment. Al Capone is one of the first famous criminals that the government went after but he would not be the last person.
In the late 1960s, a career criminal named Charles Manson came on the government radar. Charles Manson came under the …show more content…

That is suspicious to me because normally after a person has been incarcerated they will admit to their crime. However, Charles Manson, did not. That would make some people wonder is Charles Manson guilty or not. After, viewing the two videos I personally don’t think he is innocent but they did not provide enough evidence to show he was guilty. I believe the media highlighted the Charles Manson case and influenced people to believe he was guilty. Once the media highlighted the case and frighten the community the President had so speak on Charles Manson case. In order, for the President and the rest of the government to seem like they were doing their job it was a must he was sent to prison. If Charles Manson would have beat the case there would have been an uproar and people would have started to criticize the