Gregor Mendel's Theory Of Natural Selection

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There have always been conflicting theories about Life and Evolution. Extensive research has been done on this. Theories evolve over time. The ideas are either altered or get reincarnated. Ideas supported by research are carried forward. Sometimes an element of an idea is unfathomable so it is recast. A theory by Charles Robert Darwin, a geologist and biologist, called “the theory of natural selection” puts to rest all questions about evolution of life and the happenstances around it. It states that a collection of similar individuals that can breed with each other are called species. Evolution, according to Darwin is a “slow and gradual, and endless” process. It also states that organisms are more prone to adapt in a specific environment and therefore …show more content…

The evidence for this is in text 1, “This theory implied that parental traits are combined, rather than being transmitted as separate units, which would dilute the potentially successful mutations of one individual and undermine the whole theory of natural selection.” For a long time, Gregor Mendel’s impeccable work had been suppressed. It claimed that a lot of the off-spring’s traits shown are either characteristics of the mother or father, not both. This theory of evolution was unearthed became a more reasonable proposition to both scientists and the people. My next major claim is that Mendel’s theory is also mentioned and can be verified in Text 3, written by “David Starr Jordan (1851-1931) who was a naturalist, an educator, and a very important ichthyologist. He was an early contributor to the theory of Darwinian evolution…” Text 3, “Darwinism fifty years after: The biological lesson of evolution” states that two germ cells from two different individuals divide and then combine to form another individual. Jordan suggests that although Mendel’s theory is tangible, there is no need to doubt Darwin’s