Charter Schools Argumentative Essay

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Charter Schools have both positive and negative effects on education. Even though they are like public schools, they have different methods and guides when it comes to running a school and educating their students. These schools are usually independently managed or have a contract with the state which allows them to have fewer rules and regulations than traditional public schools. Even though charter schools benefit students in some ways, there are critics whom believe they offer a poorly educating system to students. In the other hand, some supporters believe that charter schools can operate more efficiently by removing existing regulations that public schools follow. The charter school system has proven to become less efficient and beneficial …show more content…

Therefore, critics believe that by offering lower pay and less job security charter schools attract less qualified teachers. This affects the students’ performance in school and discourages them to go on with further education. Some would wonder why a charter teacher would accept getting payed less than what a public teacher usually wins? The answer is simple, teachers usually accept teaching in charter schools because of the benefits given to them. Benefits like being able to prepare their own course lessons or emphasize on more important subjects that they feel students should develop on like math and science. Also, relatively small classes allow the teacher to have a one on one talk with students. This helps the teacher understand what troubles the student and what the student needs to work on. It is also a less stressful job rather than having to manage all twenty kids or more like in public schools. Even though it seems as if teachers in charter schools have the best job in the world, it is proved that “forty percent of the new charter teachers leave after the first year”, according to the Great Lakes Center for Educational Research and