Chavez Non Violence Essay

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“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” (Thomas A. Edison) Non-violence is always taking the high road, and that is the only way we will ever get anything done in this world. Killing people doesn’t get anything done. It doesn’t prove your point, it just hurts people and hurting people is not the answer. In Chavez’s work, he explains how peaceful protest and non-violence will always be the right answer.
Chavez persuades the reader by using strong arguments of logos to convince the reader that non-violence is always the answer in life. In this world, there is a lot of violence, and Chavez’ use of logos helps the reader understand the impacts of violence and how …show more content…

Chavez used the ethical side of the argument to show the reader that violence is in no way beneficial. “Thus, demonstrations and marches, strikes and boycotts are not only weapons against the growers, but our way of avoiding the senseless violence that brings no honor to any class or community.” (Prompt, Chavez) It is a common belief among people that death is scary and most of us have experienced death firsthand. Whether that be your grandparent dying or your best friend getting into a car crash. We all fear death and that is what makes this argument so powerful. Chavez states that violence is senseless and that it brings no honor which is something that all people should believe, it is apart of our ethics. Chavez is persuading the author that all violence does is hurt people and that it is not actually beneficial for the cause which makes the reader question whether they should be on the side of violence or not. If we all lived through nonviolence, then the world would be a lot happier place and we might be able to compromise and come to agreements faster and without all the unnecessary