Rhetorical Analysis Of The Civil Rights Movement By Cesar Chavez

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The Civil Rights Movement was a movement started by Martin Luther King and is taught in every history class around the entire nation of the United States of America. Labor Union organizer and civil rights leader Cesar Chavez published an article in-order-to promote a non-violent path to achieve his goal. The United Farm Workers and the American Indian Movement were groups that worked to improve conditions for Native Americans. Cesar Chavez compares his movement to the Civil Rights Movement because both movements supported blacks and fought for equality between whites and blacks. Cesar Chavez uses many examples of compare-and-contrast to convey his message, he compared his movement to the civil rights movement because both events benefited many United States citizens, he included well developed diction to provide clarity in his article, he used allusion to legendary figures, repetition of words and overall to appeal to the audience, not to their feelings but to their participation to the next step in shaping the world.

Cesar Chavez appeals to the people through the use of ethos in order to grab the audience's attention as to why non-violence is the way people should live. He believes that violence does not have a positive effect in human lives. Chavez appeals to ethos because ethos makes the …show more content…

He advocates for farmers to people who are always interested in doing the right thing. He takes his movement and puts it in the bigger picture of history. He does this by starting the movement and providing many reasons as to why and how people should want to support his claim. Chavez's tone is appealing because he wants to get the audience's attention as well as others from different groups whether that be educated or non-educated, colored or not colored, he wants everyone to hear his