Checks And Balances In The Constitution

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The Constitution was and still is a very important document in American history. It began the strong central government that America has today. However, the document had a lot of trouble getting to where it is today. Federalists and Anti-Federalists debated what should and should not be in the Constitution. Federalists had more valid points to what should be in the Constitution, such as limited powers and not having a bill of rights in the Constitution. “...But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others.” In more simpler terms, Madison believed that no part of government should have more power than another. In order to do so, the Constitution talked about how checks and balances would solve that problem by each branch of governemnt checking on how the others are doing and making sure everything is in balance. The reason this is needed is because during the times of the Articles of Confederation, Americans believed that only a …show more content…

However, the Constitution has checks and balances to make sure Congress, the president, or the Supreme Court do not go over the amount of power they have to be able to execute. The bill of rights could have caused problems for citizens. With listing what the people's rights are able to do, it could hurt them when going on trial by the bill of rights being used against them, instead of helping. It also would have limited their rights in the