Checks And Balances On The Salem Witches Trial

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Braulio Escalera
Professor Leon
History 100
October 14, 2017
• Section 1: 50% of total grade
1. Identify and describe the importance of five (5) of the following terms:

Salem Witches Trial: being a witch indicates that you have super natural or specific devil powers and you can use them against humans by hurting them in return of their soul or loyalty. The story of the Salem Trial witches began in the year 1692 after several young girls were accused for being witches in Salem village, Massachusetts. After the accusations some witches were hanged on June 1692. But the people that were accused of witchcraft were not only women, some of them were men too. To prove your innocence, you can point on someone else so they know they are the real witches, or you can be submitted into several tests to say you’re not a witch.
Checks and Balances: this is the principal way of government of the united states and prevents the 3 branches of having more power than the other branch. Checks and balances are mostly applied in the government. …show more content…

That was called the Bill of rights, the first 10 amendments were establish in 1791. The 10 first amendments are important to the people but the one that standout the most is the first amendment that consist in congress shall make no law respecting religion, freedom of speech and of the people peaceably to assemble. What this means is that people can really choose what political they want, and have the free to say what they want. Before it was created the federalist believe that we didn’t need a bill of rights because the state and the people kept a power not giving to the federal government. The anti- federalist believed that having a bill of rights was necessary to have individual safely liberty and have protection as