Cherokee Museum Letters

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I am sending you this letter to present you with my proposal for a new museum, that I believe will be revolutionary. It will be called the Vice Cherokee Museum. The Cherokee culture is fascinating and very vast, but unfortunately not well represented. I think our community will greatly benefit from gaining knowledge of whom the Cherokees are and what their people have been through. There is a great ignorance when it comes to the knowledge of Cherokee culture and this museum will be built in hopes of improving this problem. The museum will be fresh, new, and have modern technology, while still preserving the original integrity of the artifacts. It will not only present the history of the Cherokee people, but take the audience on a journey.
The entrance …show more content…

The second floor is when the journey through history really begins. As soon as you step off the elevator you 're instantly immersed into the world of the Cherokee people. The entire floor is purposed to replicate an actual Cherokee village. First you see the traditional huts the people lived in. Both summer and winter huts have been built to scale so you can walk in and out. Continue through the village and there will be a net set up, kind of like a portable batting cage. Here is where you will get the opportunity to try your hand at stickball. After a short demonstration you can pair up and attempt to pass the ball back and forth with your partner. Past the stickball cage, is a group women weaving baskets for everyone to watch. A couple will be weaving the baskets, while the others color them and answer any questions the audience might have. Finale, facing the back wall there is a bow and arrow shooting demonstration going on behind a glass wall. For safety reasons this will not be an interactive demonstration, but never the less, it will be fascinating to