Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul Book Analysis

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Books can be astonishing. Losing yourself in thousands of words is amazing. You get to escape reality. Books can have special impacts on people. Authors can write such strong and passionate texts. It gets people hooked. There’s the books full of action, and the books full of love and romance, but the books that had an effect on me are the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul books. The only reason on why I started reading these books is because my friends grandma got me Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Letters for Christmas. It consisted of letters sent in from people who had read the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. The letters explained how the book had helped them. Even the letters sent in from people gave me life advice. They all told their stories and how the books were there helping them. Some of the stories, even make you cry. Reading the stories let me know that I wasn’t the only one with that problem and that I could actually get through it. It was reassuring. …show more content…

It has stories about everyday problems, and some of them not everyday. I like to read them when I’m having troubles and need to feel better. On the dedication page it says “With love we dedicate this book to all the teenagers who have become our friends and who have taught us through their friendship that we all have something important to offer each other.” I love the dedication page, because to me it’s saying that teenagers actually can do something, and that they can have a say. These books are literally written for us. We actually get to write them. The writers take our stories and put them into the