Chief Executive: Similarities Between Congress And The American People

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Using a title like Chief Executive of our country attempts to describe the main role of our President. Per Business Dictionary, “Top executive responsible for a firm’s overall operations and performance … serves as the main link between the board of directors (the board) and the firm’s various parts or level, and is held solely responsibility for the firm’s success or failure” (2017). Although chief executive officer (CEO) sounds like a business term, the President is held solely responsibility for our countries success or failure. The President is our main link between Congress and the American People. There are many similarities between a business CEO and the President.
Per Susan Heathfield, “the CEO has overall responsibility for creating, planning, implementing and integrating the strategic direction of an organization. This includes responsibility of all components and department of a business” (2017). Our President does have the responsibility of strategic aims for all the United States Department in our government. Departments like Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Homeland Security, State department all take guidance from the President. In President Trump’s strategic goals was to reduce the number of federal employees. He started with a hiring freeze and has “prioritized shrinking the civilian workforce, issuing an executive order … …show more content…

Each reference has a common theme of that of a chief executive. What similarity do you think that a role of the government as chief executive is anything different than that of a regular business term. Isn’t the CEOs of IBM, Facebook, or any other business not the face of the business. That CEO has responsibilities to its shareholders, employees and customers just like the President has with his duties as CEO of our