Child Care Policy Essay

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Making affordable child care available to low income families will help address the barrier to maintain economic self –sufficiency (Legislature, 2013). The government has use the Empowerment theory by offering child care subsidy as a way of empowering low income families to help maintain a job. The issue that low income families have face deal with child care had issues was address by the government allocating over 2.5 billion annually for child care services in 1974. The goal was promote adult self- sufficiency. (Cohen, 1996). The goals for child care continue to change throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s, because of the need for help for low income families. In 1996 the child care subsidies was at heightened with the passing of the Personal …show more content…

The government continue want to empower families who need child care assistance by to offer other subsidies such as the Child Care and Development Block Grant. This grant is benefitted low income families who is working, seeking employment or in education and training. This grant allowed a great emphasized on the child care needs of low income families (Cohen, 1996). In 2014 version of CCDBG, was reauthorized details on federal financing. Funded was at $2.4 billion for the current fiscal year but will increase amounts up to $2.7 billion in 2020 and then an increase of about $400 million over the next six years. This new CCDBG bill would allow families to receive care through the program which will help maintain a steady job (Mccann, 2015). The child care subsidy was successful by achieving it primary goal of getting low income families maintain employment but did it increase child care quality (Johnson, Ryan, & Brooks-Gunn, 2012). The government understands the need to empower low income families to be able to take action to improve their life situations. While research to date has focused on the employment on the low income families there needs to be future research to examine ways subsidies influence the quality of