Essay On Intrafamilial Abuse

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Intrafamilial Abuse

Intrafamilial abuse also known as insest is an abuse that caseworkers frequently deal with in Child Protective Services (CPS). There are several types of Intrafamilial abuse, most frequently occuring is father-daughter incest. Family dysfunction of boundaries, and isolation protect the secret of abuse. Those that study family systems note certain patterns inside the family that cultivate abusive relationships. Fathers that take a strong patriarchal lead inside the family with absolute power go unquestioned inside the family. Outside of the family the father is often impressive, and revered amongst other men. The father relies on physical force, and intimidation to control family members, and views children as possessions. Strong dominant mothers choose male counterparts that are weak, inadequate men that looks for the women to be nurturing. If the mother fails to be nurturing and caring towards her partner he will find comfort in other places. This type of father …show more content…

Psychological maltreatment is a pattern of psychically destructive behaviors such as rejection, isolation, terrorizing, ignoring, and corrupting the child. Psychological maltreatment hinders development of healthy self-esteem, the ability to obtain and maintain healthy intimacy and relationships, and development of social competence. (p.197) In order to prove psychological maltreatment the worker must observe components of identifiable parental behavior that creates demonstrable harm to the child implying a causal link between parental behavior and harm to the child. Due to societal views and norms detecting psychological abuse due to parental behaviors is difficult because the punishment is considered socially normal and acceptable.

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