Childhood Observation At Michaels Craft Store

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As a cashier, I see a great deal of observations that occur with the customers. I work at Michaels craft store, and this is an interesting environment because the customers vary from being in their late 20’s to late 70’s. Michaels carries many items in the store, and this includes: art supplies, kid’s toys, baking supplies, fabric materials, décor, and flowers. Therefore, many of the customers that come shop in the store are usually mothers or care takers. As I see mothers with high end purses, I recognize their children getting no toys rather than the mothers with low end purses that allow their children to get a toy. Not only are toys coming into effect with the wealthy parents, but also coupons are a huge component. I have been working at …show more content…

Children come into the store with their parents, and most of them go to the children section seeking eye candy. Their eye candy are toys, and many children love the idea of getting a new toy. The women that are wealthy admire coupons to save money, and this is like every other person in today’s society. However, they are very aggressive and angry when their coupons do not work, unlike women who have lower incomes, these customers are understanding. Another idea at point, when a wealthy women’s child wants a toy from the store, she says no. When a lower incomed woman’s child wants a toy, she says yes. Many people would assume this would be vice versa; however, it does something make sense. The lower income family wants to give their children all them the happiness that they deserve. One lower incomed women was struggling to pay her twenty-dollar purchase, and put all her stuff away just to get her daughter’s expensive doll house. The daughter’s face lit up with joy and excitement; as I was bagging, she said, “A child’s happiness is the biggest reward anyone can ask for.” This touched me greatly, and it was amazing how women react to coupons and getting their children toys differed tremendously depending on their income. All in all, this observation gathered that women with higher incomes are stricter with their spending then women in lower income