
Childhood Trauma Research Paper

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always linked back to some sort of trauma in his experience. He spoken to the fact that people will come in with a substance abuse issue thinking that is the bulk of their issues but he looks deeper to find what causes them to use that vice to cope, or what exactly are they coping for. He said he often uses tries to reveal the unconscious to the conscious mind in order to reveal the issues that lead to substance abuse as a coping mechanism.
Another issue with childhood trauma as seen by the article about trauma and treatment is the fact that it can be induced at any aged. Previous thinking believed that memory of trauma much like memory of anything begins around age three when humans begin to associate emotions with speech and words. However, new research has found that both physical and psychological trauma can be remembered from birth. The article illustrated some of the harsh effects of these trauma’s in childhood. Much to the parallel of some of the things that Mr. Rubino was …show more content…

In James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstien’s book entitled, “Crime and Human Nature”, they have an interesting take. They argue that the primary causes of crime are not an offender's abnormal psychology or his environment. Rather, they assert that crime is a result of those unchanging aspects of human nature that make any human act. In other words, they are saying that it is human nature to “act out” after undergoing adverse effects which trauma would be an example of. In their book they look at the effects of a trauma as associated with personality changes are equal parts nurture and nature. Criminals are instinctually triggered to act extremely to life-threatening circumstances which may linger from a person’s past but it is also the nurturing effects of what has happened in their lives to cause this instinctual

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