Children And Technology Essay

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Technology is an important mode of communication for many children, however, it can affect child development. Many children are influenced by technology such as media, internet, movies, etc. Now many children rely on technology and seen technology advance them, but technology does have harmful effects on them. They are using technology devices every day, and they are beginning to lose interest themselves from family or friends from their communication skills. Also, their behaviors begin to change by technology, and they start having mental health problems. Children should be limited to using technology exposure because they will have positive emotion, and have more face to face interactions with others.
The children Lose their network to their …show more content…

They all have a smartphone with them. Technology is the fast way for communication, however, if we talk face to face to communicate it is better because we know other people emotion. Last Friday, I went to the church and many of the young boys and girls sit in a circle, yelling in the phone and all I could hear was their voices. The game called Rules Of Survival and I believe this game has a lot of negative impact on them. This game is about a Battle Royale. In this game, there are running, driving a car and there are guns too. Then, I start asking some of them the hour they spend a day and what is their emotion while playing this game. Most of them are replied, “Sometimes I didn’t go to bed and I stay awake until morning. I feel a headache or dizzy, but I couldn’t stop. Also, I’m not hungry and I only have energy drink beside me.” It surprises me because I didn’t know that this games will make them not have enough sleep. Also, When adults talk to them they try to ignore it and pay attention more to their game. I saw them play a game until their phone is off and then start to talk others. This game can change their behaviors because they couldn’t control their emotions. When they lose the battle they are not giving up to stop playing it. Children can fight with other peers in school or other places in real life because the games catch their attention and learned those behaviors from the game that …show more content…

Because children are addicted and couldn’t balance the time to the technology, they would start losing their friendship, interact with others that change communicate between people, have a mental problem and their behaviors from each other may change. Technology has changed our social and daily