Children With Autistics: Concerns Regarding Google Glass

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Erik Wilfley
Mrs. Johnston
Survey of Literature Gold 1
26 April 2016
Concerns Regarding Google Glass Although Google Glass comes with many benefits within the healthcare industry, safety and privacy concerns have also emerged. When Google Glass was released to the public, massive praise came to the innovative technology, with people talking about how revolutionary it is. This cutting-edge technology has helped doctors record their patients’ medical records, as well as assist children with autism, and helping people overcome chronic impaired vision. Unfortunately, complaints have arose claiming that using this device may not be safe and could cause injury to the wearer and to others. Such accusations have asserted that Google Glass will distract …show more content…

One way people have taken advantage of this is by using it to save their patients’ medical records and information easily. The company Medopad has decided to work with Google Glass to let doctors use the device anywhere from regular checkups to during surgery. It will aid doctors by allowing them “to look at the patient’s records” and “monitor [his or her] heartbeat” (Shahidi). Google Glass has also been shown to help children with autism learn eye contact and recognize facial expressions. By wearing Google Glass for two hours a day, autistic children will learn social cues and identify emotion within a conservation (Kraft). Benjamin Yonattan, a nearly blind dancer, has been using Google Glass to help him see more clearly and improve his peripheral vision. Although Yonattan is registered blind, he is now able to see well and states that Google Glass “does help more than anything else” (Yonattan). As much as Google Glass has benefitted individuals, many claim that the drawbacks far outweigh the …show more content…

Bans relating to the use of Google Glass will likely continue to occur and dislike for the device’s features probably will remain. Compared to other products Google has come out with in recent years, Google Glass has unquestionably created the most controversy for its large number of uses. Although Google Glass can provide help in various ways to the user, it has also shown to be in need of improvements regarding the safety and privacy of those being affected by the

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