Chris Jame Observation

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During this essay I’ll be conducting an observation amongst students outside of a school setting. For this study I collect about a 2 hour and 30 minutes playing PS4 with some friends. Mind you i didn’t tell them I was observing for a study I just acted how I would normally act amongst group laughing, telling jokes, and partaking in their conversation. Since we were playing video games and we are so competitive I instantly sought out to watch how everyone attitude was. The game was the determining factor depending on who ever was winning a losing there attitude was really happy or sad. Chris one of my best friends was playing Jamere my other best friend their attitudes completely contrast one another. Playing NBA 2k16 Chris held the lead for most of the …show more content…

Another interesting aspect of my observations both fellows were wearing basketball shorts, basketball sneakers, plain white t shirts, and baseball caps both were colligate athletes which is popular way for athletes to dress. Were the two differ would have to be the tattoos that chris has which cover his chest down to his left bicep compared to Jamere that doesn’t have any tattoos on his body. While playing each other multiple times in the video game the topic discussed was all about the things they wanted to achieve in life. Chris a former professional basketball player in Germany was telling Jamere once his shoulder heel from a current injury and he hires a new agent he planned to sign with a team in Italy. Jamere told chris that he wanted to move from the south to the west coast rather Arizona, or California for a fresh start and put his business degree to work. Jamere stated “In 6 month to a year was his goal to be on the west coast and begin working in a new exciting job. Being best friends the social behavior amongst the two are scare they laugh, joke, and even completed each other sentences before