Christian Church In The United States Essay

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With God.

What is the state of the Christian church today in The United States of America and in Canada? Statistics show, according to the Pew Research Center, that in the United States the religion percentages of Christians are declining but the other religions are increasing. The percentages are, seventy percent Christian, twenty-five percent evangelical protestant, twenty-two percent unaffiliated, three percent atheist, and point nine percent muslim. The church percentages have decreased, and the other non-christian religions are increasing. The state of our church is conforming to the pattern of this world, becoming secular ,,and politically correct.

Ever since 2007 the Christianity percentages have decreased by eight percent. …show more content…

“ The church is beginning to transform.. The way people see us is being changed as well. We are beginning to be seen as dumb, and stupid. That the way we see things is wrong and we are completely dumb to think that way.

Not only are we being transformed, are becoming politically correct as well. Our views are being altered. The things we stand for and believe in are not the same as when Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior walked on this earth. We cannot say that we support anything because of the political correctness in our world. It is truly a shame, that we cannot stand by the biblical values that we are supposed to live by.

Not only are we politically correct , but our churches aren't preaching some of the things we should be preaching. The church doesn't preach about the Second Coming , Creation and Evolution or some of our political issues such as gay marriage or planned parenthood. The state of the church should be determined by the things we are doing and saying , not the things we are with holding ourselves from the things we should be saying. Believer's opinions have changed significantly in the past few years. Clearly, everyone's opinions will be different, but as Christians should hold ourselves to a Biblical view, and not a view of this