Summary Of The Interactions Between The Christian Coalition And The Republican Party

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In this article, the author examined the interactions between the Christian Coalition and the Republican Party. Little is known about the linking between parties and organized groups. The Christian Coalition is an important player in Republican politics and it acts like an interest group. The author lists three models used to explain group influences. The first is called electoral mobilization. It says that social movement organizations influence legislators to assure them that their supporters will vote for them on Election Day. The second is called financial clout. It argues that donating money to members of Congress, this attempts to shape how a policy is viewed and how the legislation is produced. It could also signal policy preferences to legislators, because of this donation. The last model is called policy expertise. It argues that interest groups and social movement organizations are able to influence legislators based on their ability to provide them with reliable information. This information is about constituents and expertise in certain policies. There was a survey in which the author designed for local leader’s perceptions of the Christian Coalition. Two variables were included. They were perceptions about Christian Coalition influence of the respondent’s county and perceptions about Christian Coalition influence with the county chair’s state. This applied both to the Republican Party. What I found interesting was that 59 percent of respondents believed that the Christian Coalition had little to no effect in their county party organization and 52 percent stated that the group had influence in their party’s state organization. One purpose of the Christian Coalition is that they get their members to go out and vote. This has indeed helped the Republican candidates win their seats in close congressional races. The Christian Coalition also uses grassroots as their key power, because they motivate their people to vote.

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