Political Socialization Examples

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Political socialization is key to understanding a person’s political views and is cultivated through family, friends, school, religion, and communities. My parents, schooling, and religion played a large part in my political socialization before I came to TAMU-CC and this socialization played a large part on my opinions of the beginning of the Trump presidency. As Dr. Dillard has mentioned, parents and family are the main agent of political socialization. My parents and family helped to influence the social and political beliefs I now hold. My parents are moderate Republicans that support reforms and the slow withdrawal of federal government interference. However, it’s important to mention that they did not like to watch Fox News, but instead …show more content…

Texas law instructs schools to say the pledge of allegiance every day and the curriculum encourages teachers to promote voting in elections. Most schools are zoned to include people and neighborhoods of similar socioeconomic backgrounds. My high school was slightly different, full of upper-middle class kids from the suburbs of southwest Houston but included kids from other communities as well. Growing up in this area provided a unique outlook for political socialization because wealthy communities and poor ones were close by and were zoned to my school. This allowed me to see how political policies would affect my community as well as how the policies would differently affect those who were more or less fortunate. The churches and religion play a role in political socialization, though not as large as the parents and school do. Religion molds ones moral and ethical beliefs, and these beliefs are a large part of one’s political views. I was raised Roman Catholic and Southern Baptist and I can certainly attest that religion plays a large part in shaping a person’s political views. However, my beliefs are often challenged when I see how people can twist religion to harm and demean …show more content…

Last semester, in most of my classes tests counted for a significant part of my grade but no more than 50 percent. However, this semester, tests are playing a much larger role in determining my grade, so I will have to put much more effort into studying for tests and doing well on them. Another way this semester is different is in how the professors teach and present the material. I have never had a professor or teacher teach so enthusiastically like Dr. Dillard does. My chemistry professor also is very enthusiastic and passionate about her subject, so it has been interesting to get to experience this. I think as a student I have become more dedicated to my coursework as college classes require a certain degree of dedication that high school